Banda larga universal até 2013
Os ministros das Telecomunicações dos 27 Estados membros da União Europeia querem que todos os cidadãos do espaço comunitário tenham acesso à banda larga até ao ano de 2013
UE quer que todos os europeus tenham acesso à Internet em 2013
O anúncio foi feito hoje no final de uma reunião entre os ministros da tutela dos 27 dedicada a debater a agenda digital da Europa, para o período entre 2010 e 2015.
Para cumprir esta meta, os governantes comprometeram-se a aprovar propostas «baseadas no mercado e que apoiem a competitividade sempre que seja possível».
No final do encontro, os ministros apresentaram um documento que irá servir de base para agenda digital para 2010-2015, que terá como objectivo permitir que «a Europa possa sair da actual crise com uma economia digital mais forte, mais competitiva e mais aberta, e capaz de impulsionar o crescimento e inovação europeus», lê-se nesse documento.
Além do acesso universal à banda larga, os ministros presentes na reunião abordaram as redes de nova geração, políticas para melhorar o pluralismo na Internet, a privacidade e os direitos dos cibernautas europeus e tornar o sector das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação mais verde. Sol
UN brings voices of people suffering impact of global warming to World leaders
Fonte do artigo
World leaders arriving at the United Nations conference in Copenhagen this week will be greeted with over 100 real-life stories demonstrating the devastating impact global warming has on lives and livelihoods of people around the world.
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) installed the UN Climate Wall over the weekend - high-tech touch-screens broadcasting the sights and sounds of a changing climate - near the conference hall where the majority of the world's heads of State and Government will embark on high-level negotiations to reach an agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
The urgency of a definitive and fair climate deal is the underlying theme of the strong messages posted on the UN Climate Wall by scientists, civil society representatives, political and business leaders, public figures, UN officials and ordinary people, UNEP said in a news release.
“Reaching an agreement in Copenhagen is a political and moral imperative,” said Satinder Bindra, UNEP Director of Communications and Public Information.
“The lives of millions have already been impacted by climate change. Millions
UNRIC Cool Planet - Global warming and Copenhagen
UNRIC Cool Planet - Global warming and Copenhagen
UN online tool allows people to track nations’ pledges on climate change
segunda-feira, 14 de Dezembro de 2009, 07:08:52 | dahlvik@unric.org (Asa Dahlvik)
People around the world can now keep tabs on countries’ promises and proposals on combating climate change, thanks to a new online tool launched Friday by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
The Climate Pledge Tracker was launched today in Copenhagen, Denmark, where nations are currently meeting with the aim of agreeing on an ambitious new agreement.
The new programme will be updated as new proposals are made in the Danish capital, and it compares and consolidates all pledges made to date with the goal of keeping global temperature rise at or under 2 degrees centigrade from pre-industrial levels.
The Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has found that to stave off the worst effects of climate change, industrialized countries must slash greenhouse gas emissions by 25 to 40 per cent from 1990 levels by 2020, and that global emissions must be halved by 2050.
The tracking system, which will continue to be operational after the Copenhagen conference ends, currently lists the pledges and proposals from 25 countries – including developing economies such as China, India and Costa Rica – and the European Union’s 27 Member States.
It estimates that if the most ambitious existing pledges are fully realized, including with financial support for developing countries, the world would be on track to achieve emissions reductions of 47.5 billion tons by 2020, which is close to what is required to give the world a 50 per cent chance of meeting the 2 degrees centigrade temperature target.UN News
'Dark Angel' a tribute film to Sophie Lancaster
In August 2007, 20 year old Sophie Lancaster was kicked to death, simply for dressing differently. As a brand that promotes the right to experiment and self-express through the way you look, Illamasqua is committed to changing attitudes towards subcultures.
In tribute to Sophie, Illamasqua has commissioned ‘Dark Angel’ – a short film by award-winning director Fursy Teyssier, that’s a haunting rendition of Sophie’s story, featuring the music of iconic British band, Portishead.
The film launches on MTV on 26th November – Sophie’s birthday.
As a result, the Sophie Lancaster Foundation hopes to generate £500,000 to fund national youth workshops on tolerance. But they can only deliver this essential education programme with your help.
Please show your support and watch the film. We’re hoping to reach 1,000,000 hits, so forward the link and help us spread the message
Or follow these links
Portishead track for Amnesty
Portishead sign to Amnesty
Portishead are releasing a brand new track, - "Chase the tear" for Amnesty International.
It will be available as an exclusive download single from 7 digital http://www.7digital.com/portisheadamn... from December 10th with all earnings going towards Amnesty's human rights work and all rights given to the organisation indefinitely.
A video of Portishead performing ''Chase the Tear'' will also be available from 10 December at: http://www.amnesty.org.uk/portishead and at http://www.portishead.co.uk
International human rights day (10 December) marks the anniversary of the United Nation's historic "Universal Declaration Of Human Rights" on 10 December 1948. The UDHR set out for the first time in a single document the fundamental rights to which everyone, everywhere is entitled - including the right to life, liberty, security, the freedoms of opinion, association and expression, and the right not to be subjected to torture or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.
For more information: http://www.amnesty.org.uk/udhr
Portishead - Chase The Tear from Mintonfilm on Vimeo.
Korb – Arte 3D
Ficam aqui alguns trabalhos interessantes de um artista – Korb
Showreel 08 from KORB on Vimeo.
I'll be gone from KORB on Vimeo.
The Balance from KORB on Vimeo.
Um mar de lágrimas da jovem das Fiji
Tudo se encaminhava para ser uma das dezenas de conferências de imprensa que acontecem na COP15, com homens de fato impecável e mulheres bem aprumadas a debitarem respostas politicamente correctas, quando nove jovens entraram no anfiteatro e subiram ao palco. O primeiro segurava nas mãos uma caixa de papelão com o número 1 e os restantes sete, outras embalagens iguais, só que com zeros. Sem nada nas mãos estava a jovem que se apresentou como nascida nas ilhas Fiji - aquelas que com a subida dos oceanos irão desaparecer do mapa em breve.
A ministra do Clima, Connie Hedegaard, e o secretário executivo das Nações Unidas, Yvo de Boer, aperceberam- -se da intrusão e, aliviados pela interrupção ao inquérito a que estavam a ser sujeitos pelos jornalistas, disseram: "Bem, parece que temos aqui alguma coisa a acontecer!"
Foi nesse momento que a jovem das Fiji Leah Wickham começou a ler o discurso que tinha preparado e que era a história das suas ilhas e do que lhes vai acontecer. "Tenho 22 anos, mas antes de completar o dobro da minha idade, poderei não ter uma terra aonde voltar." E continuou a desbobinar as desventuras prometidas para a sua pátria até que se emocionou e pôs-se a chorar. Ficaram os responsáveis sem saber o que fazer, até que uma salva de palmas deu fim ao drama em palco.
Me in 3D
Testes de modelação tridimensional usando fotografias pessoais, para obter um modelo universal ( obj.), a fim de ser utilizado em outros programas de modelação.Futuramente publicarei aqui alguns desses trabalhos.
Ah!!! Já Tive o cabelo assim….( de momento está a precisar de um corte radical …como em muitas coisas a modificar também).Aqui fica a prova de fotografia antiga, na altura desse look “Unyk”…
David Kroodsma: The HuffPost Hopenhagen Ambassador Announced
Dear Citizen,
Together, we've officially elected The Hopenhagen Ambassador! We are proud to introduce you to David Kroodsma.
David received the most votes in the Ambassador contest and went on to be selected by a panel of celebrity judges including Arianna Huffington and Laurie David. He will act as citizen journalist in Copenhagen for the United Nations Climate Conference, and represent our global nation of people who are hopeful that leaders will come to an agreement.
David has a real passion for the environment. His commitment was made clear when he embarked on a 21,000 mile bike trip from California through South America, giving climate presentations to schools and groups along the way. A climate scientist by training, David has the rare ability to translate technical science-talk into layperson-speak, and has shown a strong commitment to connecting with people worldwide.
David had this to say to all of us:
"The contest had many talented contestants, and I wish we could all go to Copenhagen. I'm honored and humbled to have been chosen to be the Hopenhagen Ambassador.
There are 6.8 billion people on the planet who need us to come to a meaningful agreement in Copenhagen--6.8 billion people who hope for a clean and prosperous future. As Hopenhagen ambassador and citizen journalist, I will do my best to make sure that our leaders act on our hope.
I believe that people are inherently generous, cooperative, and creative. Climate change is a problem that we created, but it is also a problem that we can solve."
Once he arrives in Copenhagen, our ambassador will have a very busy schedule. David will be representing the citizens of Hopenhagen to the media and at official events throughout the week, and reporting on events in blogs and videos posts for HuffingtonPost. In addition he will also be doing celebrity interviews, and spreading the message of hope throughout his personal and social networks on his blog.
Be sure to see David's entry at huffingtonpost.com
We wish our new ambassador lots of luck in the days ahead.
ECO 92 – COP 09
"Severn Suzuki" da Organização das Crianças em Defesa do Meio Ambiente, durante a ECO 92 - Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente eo Desenvolvimento.
Copenhaga Now
“Para que o debate não se esgote apenas entre os delegados à conferência, os homens de ciência, os economistas, os políticos, uma iniciativa da CNN e do YouTube abre a todos os cidadãos do mundo a hipótese de ter uma voz no COP 15. Em concreto, a hipótese de lançar uma questão a líderes políticos e especialistas em questões do ambiente, numa sessão que terá lugar dia 15. O YouTube está já a aceitar questões, pedindo a todos os que as possam ler que votem, distribuindo entre todos a escolha das que serão depois lançadas nessa sessão no dia 15.
Pode inscrever e (ou) ver as questões já registadas aqui: “
XMas Card
Get Ready for Xmas. Made in Cinema 4D and Poser intergration. Post production in After Effects.
Sea Clouds
King for a Day , Crown for a Life
Modelação em Cinema 4D.Tratamento gráfico em Photoshop
How Fortunate The Man With None
You saw sagacious Solomon
You know what came of him,
To him complexities seemed plain.
He cursed the hour that gave birth to him
And saw that everything was vain.
How great and wise was Solomon.
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's wisdom that had brought him to this state.
How fortunate the man with none.
You saw courageous Caesar next
You know what he became.
They deified him in his life
Then had him murdered just the same.
And as they raised the fatal knife
How loud he cried: you too my son!
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's courage that had brought him to that state.
How fortunate the man with none.
You heard of honest Socrates
The man who never lied:
They weren't so grateful as you'd think
Instead the rulers fixed to have him tried
And handed him the poisoned drink.
How honest was the people's noble son.
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's honesty that brought him to that state.
How fortunate the man with none.
Here you can see respectable folk
Keeping to God's own laws.
So far he hasn't taken heed.
You who sit safe and warm indoors
Help to relieve our bitter need.
How virtuously we had begun.
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's fear of god that brought us to that state.
How fortunate the man with none.
"How Fortunate the Man with None"
words: Bertold Brecht
Solomon was supposed to have written Ecclesiastes which says that wisdom lies in living for simple, mundane daily pleasures and that looking for an eternal meaning is fruitless - or vanity meaning "in vain". Whether Solomon actually wrote it is now in doubt. the debate is summarised here
The Judgment of Solomon is by Raphael in 1518.
Solomon lived 980BC to 927BC.
Death of Julius Caesar is by Vincenzo Camuccini (1773-1844) Julius Caesar lived 100BC to 44BC.
The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David 1787Socrates lived 469 BC to 399 BC
Abraham and Isaac was by William Blake in 1793.
Abraham lived from about 2000 BC to 1825 BC.
Abraham was the patriarch in Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions. God had asked him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. When was about to kill Isaac:
"And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that THOU FEAREST GOD, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me." Genesis 22, 11-12
So, if you're a God-fearing man and you think God wants you to kill somebody for Him, then it's best to wait for Him to appear in the sky and confirm that He's not just pulling your leg....
The poem says you are lucky if you are NOT:
1) Wise, because it makes you realise that everything's futile.
2) Brave, because it gets you betrayed and killed.
3) Honest, because people will kill you to shut you up.
4) Religious, because it restricts your life and God doesn't care.
Wundurra Deegeenboyah
Modelação e pintura de texturas em Zbrush.Tratamento gráfico em Photoshop
Wundurra (palavra guerreiro na língua aborígene)
Deegeenboyah the Soldier-bird
DEEGEENBOYAH was an old man, and getting past hunting much for himself; and he found it hard to keep his two wives and his two daughters supplied with food. He camped with his family away from the other tribes, but he used to join the men of the Mullyan tribe when they were going out hunting, and so get a more certain supply of food than if he had gone by himself. One day when the Mullyan went out, he was too late to accompany them. He hid in the scrub and waited for their return, at some little distance from their camp. When they were coming back he heard them singing the Song of the Setting Emu, a song which whoever finds the first emu's nest of the season always sings before getting back to the camp. Deegeenboyah jumped up as he heard the song, and started towards the camp of the Mullyan singing the same song, as if he too had found a nest. On they all went towards the camp sing joyously:
Nurdoo, nurbber me derreen derreenbah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Garmbay booan yunnahdeh beahwah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Gubbondee, dee, ee, ee, ee.
Neäh neïn gulbeejah, ah, ah, ah, ah."
Which song roughly translated means:
I saw it first amongst the young trees,
The white mark on its forehead,
The white mark that before I had only seen as the emus moved together in the day-time.
Never did I see one camp before, only moving, moving always.
Now that we have found the nest
We must look out the ants do not get to the eggs.
If they crawl over them the eggs are spoilt."
As the last echo of the song died away, those in the camp took up the refrain and sang it back to the hunters to let them know that they understood that they had found the first emu's nest of the season.
When the hunters reached the camp, up came Deegeenboyah too. The Mullyans turned to him, and said:
"Did you find an emu's nest too?"
"Yes," said Deegeenboyah, "I did. I think you must have found the same, though after me, as I saw not your tracks. But I am older and stiff in my limbs, so came not back so quickly. Tell me, where is your nest?"
"In the clump of the Goolahbahs, on the edge of the plain," said the unsuspecting Mullyan.
"Ah, I thought so. That is mine. But what matter? We can share-there will be plenty for all. We must get the net and go and camp near the nest to-night, and to-morrow trap the emu."
The Mullyan got their emu trapping net, one made of thin rope about as thick as a thin clothes line, about five feet high, and between two and three hundred yards long. And off they set, accompanied by Deegeenboyah, to camp near where the emu was setting. When they had chosen a place to camp, they had their supper and a little corrobborce, illustrative of slaying emu, etc. The next morning at daylight they erected their net into a sort of triangular shaped yard, one side open. Black fellows were stationed at each end of the net, and at stated distances along it. The net was upheld by upright poles. When the net was fixed, some of the blacks made a wide circle round the emu's nest, leaving open the side towards the net. They closed in gradually until they frightened the emu off the nest. The emu seeing black fellows on every side but one, ran in that direction. The blacks followed closely, and the bird was soon yarded. Madly the frightened bird rushed against the net. Up ran a black fellow, seized the bird and wrung its neck. Then some of them went back to the nest to get the eggs, which they baked in the ashes of their fire and ate. They made a hole to cook the emu in. They plucked the emu. When they had plenty of coals, they put a thick layer at the bottom of the hole, some twigs of leaves on top of the coals, some feathers on the top of them. Then they laid the emu in, more feathers on the top of it, leaves again on top of them, and over them a thick layer of coals, and lastly they covered all with earth.
It would be several hours in cooking, so Deegeenboyah said, "I will stay and cook the emu, you young fellows take moonoons-emu spears-and try and get some more emu."
The Mullyan thought there was sense in this proposal, so they took a couple of long spears, with a jagged nick at one end, to hold the emu when they speared it; they stuck a few emu feathers on the end of each spear and went off. They soon saw a flock of emu coming past where they were waiting to water. Two of the party armed with the moonoon climbed a tree, broke some boughs and put these thickly beneath them, so as to screen them from the emu. Then as the emu came near to the men they dangled down their spears, letting the emu feathers on the ends wave to and fro. The emu, seeing the feathers, were curious as to how they got there, came over, craning their necks and sniffing right underneath the spears. The black fellows tightly grasped the moonoons and drove them with force into the two emu they had picked One emu dropped dead at once. The other ran with the spear in it for a short distance, but the black fellow was quickly after it, and soon caught and killed it outright. Then carrying the dead birds, back they went to where Deegeenboyah was cooking the other emu. They cooked the two they had brought, and then all started for the camp in great spirits at their successful chase. They began throwing their mooroolahs as they went along, and playing with their bubberahs, or returning boomerangs. Old Deegeenboyah said, "Here, give me the emus to carry, and then you will be free to have a really good game with your mooroolahs and bubberahs, and see who is the best man."
They gave him the emus, and on they went, some throwing mooroolahs, and some showing their skill with bubberahs. Presently Deegeenboyah sat down. They thought he was just resting for a few minutes, so ran on laughing and playing, each good throw eliciting another effort, for none liked owning themselves beaten while they had a mooroolah left. As they got further away -they noticed Deegeenboyah was still sitting down, so they called out to him to know what was the matter. "All right," he said, "only having a rest; shall come on in a minute." So on they went. When they were quite out of sight Deegeenboyah jumped up quickly, took up the emus and made for an opening in the ground at a little distance. This opening was the door of the underground home of the Murgah Muggui spider-the opening was a neat covering, like a sort of trap door. Down though this he went, taking the emus with him, knowing there was another exit at some distance, out of which he could come up quite near his home, for it was the way he often took after hunting.
The Mullyans went home and waited, but no sign of Deegeenboyah. Then back on their tracks they went and called aloud, but got no answer, and saw no sign. At last Mullyangah the chief of the Mullyans, said he would find him. Arming himself with his boondees and spears, he went back to where he had last seen Deegeenboyah sitting. He saw where his tracks turned off and where they disappeared, but could not account for their disappearance, as he did not notice the neat little trap-door of the Murgah Muggui. But he hunted round, determined to scour the bush until he found him. At last he saw a camp. He went up to it and saw only two little girls playing about, whom he knew were the daughters of Deegeenboyah.
"Where is your father?" he asked them.
"Out hunting," they said.
"Which way does he come home?"
"Our father comes home out of this;" and they showed him the spiders' trap-door.
"Where are your mothers?"
"Our mothers are out getting honey and yams." And off ran the little girls to a leaning tree on which they played, running up its bent trunk.
Mullyangah went and stood where the trunk was highest from the ground and said: "Now, little girls, run up to here and jump, and I will catch you. jump one at a time."
Off jumped one of the girls towards his outstretched arms, which, as she came towards him he dropped, and, stepping aside, let her come with her full force to the ground where she lay dead. Then he called to the horror-stricken child on the tree: "Come, jump. Your sister came too quickly. Wait till I call, then jump."
"No, I am afraid."
"Come on, I will be ready this time. Now come."
"I am afraid."
"Come on; I am strong." And he smiled quite kindly up at the child, who, hesitating no longer, jumped towards his arms, only to meet her sister's fate.
"Now," said Mullyangah, "here come the two wives. I must silence them, or when they see their children their cries will warn their husband if he is within earshot." So he sneaked behind a tree, and as the two wives passed he struck them dead with his spears. Then he went to the trapdoor that the children had shown him, and sat down to wait for the coming of Deegeenboyah. He had not long to wait. The trap-door was pushed up and out came a cooked eniu, which he caught hold of and laid on one side. Deegeenboyah thought it was the girls taking it, as they had often watched for his coming and done before, so he pushed up another, which Mullyangah took, then a third, and lastly came up himself, to find Mullyangah confronting him spear and boondee in hand. He started back, but the trap-door was shut behind him, and Mullyangah barred his escape in front.
"Ah," said Mullyangah, "you stole our food and now you shall die. I've killed your children."
Decgeenboyah looked wildly round, and, seeing the dead bodies of his girls beneath the leaning tree, he groaned aloud.
"And," went on Mullyangah, "I've killed your wives."
Deegenboyah raised his head and looked again wildly round, and there, on their homeward path, he saw his dead wives. Then he called aloud, "Here Mullyangah are your emus; take them and spare me. I shall steal no more, for I myself want little, but my children and my wives hungred. I but stole for them. Spare me, I pray you. I am old; I shall not live long. Spare me."
"Not so," said Mullyangah, " no man lives to steal twice from a Mullyan;" and, so saying, he speared Deegeenboyah where he stood. Then he lifted up the emus, and, carrying them with him, went swiftly back to his camp.
And merry was the supper that night when the Mullyans ate the emus, and Mullyangah told the story of his search and slaughter. And proud were the Mullyans of the prowess and cunning of their chief.
Australian Legendary Tales, by K. Langloh Parker, [1897], at sacred-texts.com
Sound Clound
SoundCloud: The Tour from SoundCloud on Vimeo.
Sea as the Horizon
Imagem panorâmica esférica, obtida a partir de renderização em Vue 6 Xtream
Estranho e fascinante o mundo das dimensões.Interliga-se e decompõe-se, como se pululando lagos de imaginação.
Existem barreiras nas dimensões de uma imagem?
Descrição de exercício
- Usando o Vue 6 modela-se paisagem virtual com montanhas e superfície de água.Renderiza-se imagem final com opções de panorâmica esférica, para utilização em After Effects.Assim, de tridimensional o projecto inicial, transforma-se em bidimensional como imagem de suporte.
- Em After Effects, usando a imagem anterior, aplica-se o plug in Horizon e usando movimentos de câmera e uma layer 3D de texto, registando-se em vídeo o teste de panorâmica.Logo, de bidimensional , a imagem dá-nos agora uma perspectiva de espaço tridimensional.
Deixo aqui mais uma imagem panorâmica esférica para utilização futura
E outro exemplo, o primeiro, da utilização do Horizon